Joint pain and functional impairment are the hallmarks of osteoarthritis (OA). r. It is also called a degenerative arthritis or wear and tear arthritis. Osteoarthritis is mostly found in the old aged people but can occur in adults at any age but can be managed effectively. It may be found in any joint of the body but it affects most commonly in hands, knees, spine, and hips.
• Pain in Joints and stiffness
• The grating sensation at the joints
• Joint deformation and Ligament injuries
• Hard lumps forming around joints called Bone Spurs
The treatment includes medication like NSAIDs, Analgesic and Dietary supplements to reduce the pain and inflammation in joints and bones. Therapies like physical therapy, Stretching, Acupuncture, etc. will help to relieve pain and improve the physical function of the joints. Joint replacement and Arthroscopy are the surgeries performed in case of treating and removing defective joints.
Staying active with physical exercises, maintaining ideal weight and applying ice packs in affected areas will help in reducing the pain and maintaining the proper joint function.